Hospitality Center

Responds to product orders and inquiries, with the entire outbound operation carried out under an optimized communication method.

Enclosed advertising

Combined packing and shipping service that ensures high response and low cost with more than 500 affiliated media. Some media have been bought out by us.

DM advertising

Calculates advertising cost recovery model that includes the testing budget for each medium, and maximizes acquisition effectiveness with DMs that have high open rates.

Customer Photo Shooting Event Agency

A photo shoot of regular users with professional photographer and hair and makeup artists. Available as materials for advertisements and PR, which are often in short supply.

Roundtable Discussion Event Agency

Holding an event where opinions of purchasers and regular users of products can be heard directly provides an opportunity to identify selling points and points for improvement of the service/product.


Creates future successful products based on our unique data on concerns, understanding of current market needs, and successful promotion methods.